Friday, June 24, 2011

Bed Rest, Days 2 & 3

What's so bad about bed rest? HA. Okay, so I'm only half-way through day three. I do sympathize with those who have to do this for months - and those for whom lying completely flat is necessary.

But the view from here isn't all that bad... Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner in bed. See what the 18 year old brought me for lunch today? Okay, to be fair, these are leftovers from our Father's Day dinner with the in-laws, but still, I can't complain - the meals have been great.

I'm getting a lot done, too. Here are the hexagons I've completed just since Tuesday.

There are 69 of them, and more to be done today. I haven't worked on them at all yet today. In fact, I haven't done much other than answer emails and surf the internet... Better get busy doing something else! I've been trying to catch up on my reading of the Old Testament - I want to do the whole Old Testament in 60 days, (I did the New Testament in 30 days) so I really should be up in Second Samuel by now, but I am only in Numbers. I read all of Leviticus yesterday, and plan to finish Numbers today. I usually start with Bible reading, but this morning I made the mistake of turning on the computer... and here I still sit and it's almost 1 pm!

Anyway, here's the progress on the hexagon quilt. There are four sandwich bags here with finished hexagons - somewhat sorted by color. The front bag is the 69 I've just completed, so they're not sorted yet. All together I have about 450 done. The sorted bags have a running total on a sticker on the bag so I know how many I've got. I have about 100 papers left (50 already paper-clipped to fabric) and I'm planning on sorting through them all sometime this week to see which fabrics I need more of. I want a pretty even assortment before I start stitching them all together.

Oh, and that big tub behind the bags is holding the thousands of 2 1/5 inch squares I still need to stitch into hexagons... I told you this was going to be a long-term project :) It was kind of funny. I took these along to the hospital while I was strapped to the monitors, and all the nurses kept asking how big this was going to be when done. When I told them I was making a king sized quilt they all would let out a big sigh and complain about how they could never be patient enough to do it. They thought I was nuts - ha. Maybe I am :) But actually I think it keeps me sane.

As if I don't have enough going on, I just joined a yahoo group for the Farmer's Wife quilt. Don't know if you've seen that or not. It's an album quilt - 110 different 6 1/2 inch squares. I'm looking forward to starting it, but have to decide on a color scheme first. I'm thinking Wyoming's brown and golds, or possibly red and whites for Nebraska, where I lived on a farm until I was 13. Then again, I would have to order fabric for either of those, and I'm kind of itching to get started, so maybe I'll use my western prints for this one. Hmm. Gonna have to think about it a little longer.

Being stuck on bed rest gives me a lot of internet time, and I've been finding a lot of fun recipes ... like Rolo Brownies :) Doesn't the thought of that just add pounds to your hips? So I printed out the recipe, and then thought this was as good a time as any to organize the pile of printed-out-recipes that have been piling up in my cupboard. So my daughter brought me the 3-ring binder, some page protectors and the recipes. I stuck them all in, so now they're protected. Some day maybe I'll actually sort them into categories, but for now, just having them all in the binder is great :)

These are all of our tried-and-true favorites, along with new internet recipes that look divine. As you can see I write recipes on whatever is available. The page on the right has a pie crust recipe on a napkin ;)

I don't have any pictures from yesterday, and I'm sure you're probably getting tire of silly kid pictures. Sorry. The view is kind of limited from here. My 7 year old came in yesterday and read me a book. They're doing their best to keep me entertained. Today it's been nice emailing and texting my sister most of the day. It's fun just to visit :)

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