Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Rest of Saturday - An Art Fort and Fireworks

 Saturday afternoon, while most of the house was napping, the ten year old decided to turn our dining room table into an "art fort."

It was pretty elaborate.  He moved all the chairs into a line with a gap between them, then covered the chairs and table with every available blanket and towel.

Inside he had placed the kids table and chair, his sketch pad, pencils and pencil sharpener.  He ran an extension cord into the tent so his pencil sharpener would work...

...and even included a lamp.  He took all these pictures of the fort himself too.

When he emerged, this is the picture he had created.  Two elk.

He took time out of taking photos to study a mayfly.  His hand is there to compare size.  This is one of the many reasons I love homeschooling.

 Later, we watched God's fireworks...

Before viewing the manmade ones.  These pictures were taken from our deck.  Town is five miles away, but we had a good view.  We couldn't make out the showers of the ones that look like weeping willows (the dripping ones as the three year old calls them) but the view was still pretty good.

And now, I'm finally caught up on my blog!

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