Friday, August 29, 2014

See Dad, It Really Did Snow :)

 I talked to my Dad on the phone last weekend and mentioned that it had snowed in our mountains.  He was surprised, given the fact that he's roasting to death in Kentucky, where the heat index that day was 100 degrees.  So here's proof, and evidence that you guys better bring a jacket when you come :)

 It actually snowed much lower than it shows in the picture, but we had such heavy cloud cover that we couldn't see the mountains for several days.  The snow was all the way down as far as the trees go.

 It's been a crazy August.  We've had cool (very cool) temperatures - down into the 30's several nights, and lots of rain.  The ranchers have been trying to put up their hay, but I'm betting a lot of them lost a bunch of it due to the daily rains.  We almost never have fog like this, so it was pretty cool to see it one morning.

 The boys and I took my mother-in-law to Jackson Hole Tuesday for her doctor's visit.  The clouds were hanging really low then too.

  This afternoon rainstorm had the ten year old a little nervous.  He thought there was a tornado.  I love that his response to a possible tornado was to stand out on the deck.  Wow.  You can really tell we don't live in tornado country, can't you? (We never have them.)

It was fairly convincing apart from the fact that there was no rotation at all.

 I love watching storms :)  I have since I was a little girl living in Nebraska, where the thunder would just roll  and it was so loud.  My grandpa used to tell me somebody tipped over the tater wagon.  I loved that.  In my mind the tater wagon was a wheel barrow.  I never could get those rotten things to balance :)

 See how sunny it is in the other direction?  The storm in the pictures above had the sky to the west a dark grey color, but toward the east it was puffy white clouds in the sunshine.

We've had a couple nice days today and yesterday, but I hear the weekend is supposed to be cold and wet again.  Figures.  Oh well.  I'm enjoying the rain, and Fall was always my favorite season, and it feels like an extension of that already.


  1. These pictures are beautiful. Having lived in the deep South most of my life, the landscapes seem unreal! We are on the verge of Fall here in NE Georgia. My Dad's brother and his family lived in Wyoming for many years. It is a lovely state that still has the spirit of the American frontier!

    1. Thanks! We love it here. We lived in North Carolina for awhile, but always missed home. But I will admit the Autumn colors there were breathtaking.
