Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Little Bit of Everything

 Sunday night our pastor taught on loving God with all your heart, soul and might.  I've been stuck on this topic for several months - knowing that if I could just love God as I should, all the little struggles with sin would lose their power.  I made three of these little hearts and stuck them up around my bedroom and bathroom.  My nine year old asked me today to make a bunch of them to stick up all around the house to help him keep his focus right too. :)

 I "caught" the five year old cleaning today.  He went and got a washcloth and spent a good ten minutes quietly wiping the glass on the clock.  I don't know if it was bothering him, or if he just was enchanted by the clock.  Either way, he was very thorough.

 The nine year old and I studied alligators and crocodiles today and had the tape measure out to see exactly how long those huge Nile crocodiles are (11-16 ft average, with the largest at 21 feet.  If you measure them, those numbers will really sink in).  After we were done, the five year old spent the rest of the day measuring things.

He told me "This is for measuring the bed."  I asked him how long it was, and he said, "Fourteen hundred dalmations."  That's mighty big.

I had to laugh at the ingenuity he used to be able to measure it all on his own.

He's actually made some huge strides this week.  He is now willingly dressing himself most of the time, and is now fully potty trained!!!  Woohoo!  It happened all the sudden too, which made it really easy.  And tonight he was in the tub and I went to get him wet and he had "washed" his hair (he got it thoroughly wet - HUGE progress!)

And this little guy is next on the list to potty train.  Like his beads?  Since it was Mardi Gras today one of the librarians gave us beads :)

He loves these beads.


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