"Lo, Children Are An Heritage of the LORD: and the Fruit of the Womb is His Reward" - Psalm 127:3

Friday, December 20, 2013

Preschool Christmas Program

 Wednesday the five year old had his preschool Christmas program.  He did amazingly well.  They started by marching in to Sleigh Ride.

 The kid in the front had a stick horse and the two behind had bells.  Our five year old is the one in brown.

They did Humpty Dumpty - sitting on their walls, then falling off.

Then they did the story of the Gingerbread boy.  Our son was the farmer.  He was supposed to say, "Stop! Stop!" but he got stage fright.

They had several other things they did, but he mostly just sat on his mat.  He participated a lot more than any of us expected him to though.

They had a part called "My Favorite Thing" where each of the kids took turns coming up on stage.  They had chosen a representation of their favorite thing to play with at preschool and when they got on stage, they brought their favorite thing, told everyone their name and what their favorite thing was.

He whispered his name, but spoke up to say "I like playing with the beans."  He had a measuring cup with dry beans in it.  We were all so proud of him and he was very pleased with himself for participating.  (The girl who is with him is his "inclusion specialist" and she stays with him every day the whole time he is at school. She is amazing and really has a connection with him.

 Not sure what this face was for, but he obviously saw that I was taking pictures.

It was such a great program.  I'm so proud of him :)

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